Heaven on Earth Gospel

Port Melbourne, Vic

Popular and successful Melbourne Singers of Gospel performs songs of soul and purpose in the Gospel and Motown tradition with funky, foot-stomping energy and jazz-blues accompaniment. Choir consists of 90+ voices. It is secular and is unauditioned except for solos. Typically Altos and Sopranos will need to wait for vacancies, but men start with a new term. Rehearsals are Tuesdays 7.20-9.40pm in Port Melbourne in four terms of around 10 rehearsals (aligned with Victorian school dates) and running (roughly) February to December each year. Typically, the choir performs once or twice towards the end of each term at a mixture of self-run concerts, hires and festivals. The choir is directed by Darren Wicks and accompanied by Andrew Ogburn.
Club: Heaven on Earth Gospel Inc.
General public contact: Tony Monley OAM

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