*4Tunes* | Southern Adelaide | SA | |
A Cappella West | Manning | WA | acappellawest.info |
A Chorus Lion | St Kilda Road, Melbourne | Vic | |
A Chorus of Women | Barton | ACT | www.chorusofwomen.org |
A'Cappella Bay Singers | Hervey Bay | Qld | |
A-Choired Taste | Beaudesert | Qld | achoiredtaste.net/ |
Abbotsleigh School | Wahroonga | NSW | |
Academy Singers | Wentworth Falls | NSW | www.academysingers.com.au |
Accademia Arcadia | Woodend | Vic | |
ACFEA Tour Consultants | Bairnsdale | Vic | |
Adelaide Chamber Singers | Adelaide | SA | |
Adelaide Choral Ambassadors | Adelaide | SA | |
Adelaide Gay and Lesbian Qwire | Clarence Park | SA | www.adelaideqwire.org |
Adelaide Harmony Choir | Kent Town | SA | www.adelaideharmonychoir.org.au/index.php |
Adelaide Male Voice Choir | North Adelaide | SA | www.amvc.org.au |
Adelaide Philharmonia Chorus | North Adelaide | SA | philharmonia.net |
Adelaide Plains Male Voice Choir | Owen | SA | |
Adelaide Sound Connection | St Peters, 44A Fourth Ave | SA | www.adelaidesoundconnection.org |
Aka Ensemble (was Kaleidoscope) | Queanbeyan | ACT | Kaleidoscopeproductions |
Alchemy Chorus | Hughes | ACT | alchemychorus.com |
Alexandrina Singers | Strathalbyn | SA | |
All Hallows | Fortitude Valley | Qld | |
All Of Us (formerly Sophies Voice) | Victoria | Vic | https://www.allofuschoir.au/ |
All Saints'Community Choir | Perth | WA | |
Allegretto Choirs | Mundingburra | Qld | |
Allegri Ensemble Chamber Choir | South Hobart | Tas | allegriensemble.com |
Allegri Singers | Bathurst | NSW | |
Allegria | Norwood | SA | www.allegria.org.au |
Alouette | Hills District Sydney | NSW | |
Amateur Repertory Company | Preston | Vic | arcappella.org.au |
Andalus Arabic Choir | The University of Sydney, Camperdown | NSW | andalusarabicchoir.com |
Andante Andante Choir | Braddon | ACT | |
Aqualuna Choir | Longueville | NSW | |
ARC Children's & Youth Choir | Preston | Vic | https://arc-childrenschoir.org.au/ |
ARCappella Choir | Preston | Vic | https://arcappella.org.au/ |
Arden Anglican School | | NSW | |
Argyle Orchestra & Choir | Hobart | Tas | |
Armidale Choral Society | Armidale | NSW | armidalechoralsociety.org.au/ |
Ars Cantorum | Toowoomba | Qld | |
Asian Australian Women Assn Inc (AAWA) | INNER WEST SYDNEY | NSW | www.aawa.net.au/aawa-choir |
Aurora Australis Chorus | Concord | NSW | |
Australia Yellow River Performance Arts | | NSW | |
Australian Boys Choral Institute | Hawthorn | Vic | www.australianboyschoir.com.au |
Australian Chamber Choir | Melbourne | Vic | |
Australian Chinese Cultural Advancement Assn Inc | Northern Sydney | NSW | |
Australian Girls Choir | Kew East | Vic | www.aspagroup.com.au |
Australian Military Wives Choir | Canberra | ACT | |
Australian Rugby Choir | Curtin | ACT | Rugbychoir.org.au |
Australian Welsh Male Choir | Frankston Sth. | Vic | www.awmc.org.au |
Australian xinjiang chinese association | Western Sydney | NSW | |
Australian Yellow River Chorus | Campertown | NSW | |
Australian Youth Choir - NIYPAA | | Vic | |
Austrian Harmonie Choir | Narrabundah | ACT | austrianchoircanberra.net/ |
Bach Society of Queensland Inc. | Woolloongabba, Brisbane | Qld | www.bachsocietyqld.org.au |
Badger Creek Women's Choir | Yarra Ranges | Vic | |
Bairnsdale Alley Cats | Bairnsdale | Vic | |
Ballarat Choral Society | Ballarat | Vic | |
Ballarat Voices | Ballarat | Vic | ballaratvoices.org.au |
Bankstown City Choir | Birrong | NSW | |
Baskerville Community Singers | North Eastern Perth | WA | baskervillecommunitysinging@gmail.com |
Bathurst Panorama Chorus | Bathurst | NSW | www.bathurstpanorama.com |
Bayside Divas | Sandgate | Qld | www.baysidedivas.com.au |
Beating Time | Chatswood | NSW | |
Beautiful Noises Pty Ltd | Melbourne | Vic | |
Bel a cappella | Inner West Sydney | NSW | www.belacappella.org.au/ |
Bel Canto Choir | Mt Eliza | Vic | |
Bel Canto Singers | Newport | Qld | belcantosingers.com.au/ |
BellaCappella | Atherton | Qld | |
Bendigo Chamber Choir | Bendigo | Vic | |
Bendigo Chorale | Bendigo | Vic | bendigochorale.org |
Bendigo Youth Choir | Bendigo | Vic | bendigoyouthchoir.com.au/ |
Berwick Primary School | | Vic | |
Beyond the Bathroom Choir | Brunswick | Vic | |
Birds of a Feather | Adelaide Hills | SA | |
Blackbutt Singers | Yarraman | Qld | |
Blackstone Ipswich Cambrian Choir | Booval | Qld | www.cambrianchoir.org.au/ |
Blokes Choir | Townsville, North Queensland | Qld | www.blokeschoir.au |
Blokes Notes | Port Macquarie | NSW | www.blokesnotes.org.au |
Blue Mountains Phoenix Choir | Blackheath | NSW | phoenixchoir.org.au |
Blue Sky Harmony | Everton Park | Qld | www.blueskyharmony.com.au/ |
Bondi Sings! | Woollahra | NSW | |
Both Sides of the River | Eastern Melbourne | Vic | |
Box Hill Chorale | Box Hill (City of Whitehorse) | Vic | www.boxhillchorale.org.au |
Bribie Is Choral and Orchestral Society | Sandstone Point | Qld | |
Brighton Grammar School | | Vic | |
Brighton Secondary School | Brighton | SA | |
Brindabella Chorus | Canberra | ACT | www.brindabellachorus.org.au/ |
Brisbane Apollo Male Choir | Stafford | Qld | www.brisbaneapollochoir.com/ |
Brisbane Bells Choir | Coorparoo | Qld | www.brisbanebells.com.au |
Brisbane Chamber Choir | Brisbane | Qld | www.brisbanechamberchoir.com |
Brisbane Chorale | South Bank | Qld | www.brisbanechorale.org.au |
Brisbane City Sounds Chorus | Paddington | Qld | www.brisbanecitysounds.com.au |
Brisbane Combined Unions Choir | South Brisbane | Qld | https://combinedunionschoir.org.au/ |
Brisbane Pride Choir | West End | Qld | www.brisbanepridechoir.org.au/ |
Brisbane Threshold Choir | Brisbane | Qld | |
Brunswick Womens Choir | Brunswick | Vic | www.brunswickwomenschoir.org.au |
Buderim Male Choir | Buderim | Qld | www.buderimmalechoir.org.au |
Bunbury Bel Canto Singers | Bunbury | WA | https://www.belcantosingersbunbury.com.au/ |
Bunbury Men of Song | Bunbury | WA | bunburymenofsong.com.au/ |
Bundanoon Sings! | Bundanoon | NSW | |
Caboolture Community Choir | Morayfield | Qld | Caboolturechoir.wix.com |
Cadence Choir | Black Rock | Vic | cadencechoir.com.au |
Cafe of the Gate of Salvation | Erskinville | NSW | |
Camberwell Chorale | Hawthorn East | Vic | www.camberwellchorale.org.au |
Camberwell Girls Grammar School | Canterbury | Vic | |
Camerata Community choir | Northern Adelaide | SA | |
Canada Bay Community Choir | Drummoyne | NSW | cbcch.com.au |
Canberra Celtic Choir | Canberra | ACT | |
Canberra Choral Society | Reid | ACT | canberrachoralsociety.org |
Canberra Community Chorale | Canberra | ACT | |
Canberra Girls Grammar Junior School | Deakin | ACT | |
Canberra Intervarsity Choral Festival | Canberra | ACT | |
Canberra Men's Choir | Canberra and surrounds | ACT | canberramenschoir.weebly.com/ |
Canberra Qwire | Lyneham | ACT | www.canberraqwire.org.au/ |
Cantabile | Cooma | NSW | |
Cantabile Choir | Northcote | Vic | cantabile.net.au |
Cantabile Singers | Magill | SA | www.cantabilesingers.org.au |
Cantar Inc. | Orange | NSW | |
Cantate Singers Melbourne | Melbourne | Vic | |
Canterbury College Choirs | Beenleigh | Qld | |
Cantiamo Ladies Choir | West Hobart | Tas | |
Canticum Chamber Choir | Tarragindi | Qld | |
Cantorion Sydney Choir | North Sydney | NSW | www.cantorionsydneychoir.com/ |
Cape Harmony | Dunsborough | WA | |
Carey Baptist Grammar School | | Vic | |
CASEY SINGS! | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/caseysings |
Castlemaine Singers | Castlemaine | Vic | |
Catholic College Wodonga | | Vic | |
Caulfield Grammar School | | Vic | |
Central Coast Philharmonia | West Gosford | NSW | www.ccphilharmonia.com.au |
Chantefique d'Alliance française de Brisbane | Brisbane | Qld | |
Childers Choral Society | Childers | Qld | |
Chillingham Voices Community Choir | Northern Rivers | NSW | |
Chime Choir | Wantirna | Vic | www.chime.org.au |
Choir Cecilia | Mount Baker | SA | |
Choir of Christ Church North Adelaide | North Adelaide | SA | www.ccna.asn.au |
Choir of Fun! | Mentone | Vic | |
Choir of Hard Knocks | Melbourne | Vic | https://choirofhardknocks.org.au/ |
Choir of High Hopes | Hobart | Tas | www.choirofhighhopes.com.au |
Choir of Opportunity | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/choirofopportunity |
Choirbolical | Toowoomba | Qld | |
Choirs of East Gippsland | Stratford | Vic | |
ChoirWorks | Brisbane | Qld | www.choirworks.au |
choir_lines | Tweed Shire | NSW | https://www.hbubconnormusic.com/voice-opportunities |
Choral Connection | South Brisbane | Qld | www.choralconnection.org.au |
Choral Productions Tasmania Inc | Mornington | Tas | www.choralproductionstasmania.com |
Chordial Tones | Perth | WA | https://chordialtones.business.site/ |
Chordiality | Corinda, Brisbane | Qld | www.chordiality.org |
Chorella Community Choir | Richmond | NSW | |
Choristry | Melbourne CBD | Vic | www.choristry.org |
Chorus Echelon Inc | | NSW | |
Circle of Friends Women's Community Choir | Connolly, Mindarie/Quinns Rocks | WA | circleoffriendschoir.org.au |
Circular Keys Chorus | Bella Vista | NSW | www.circularkeys.org |
Clarence Valley Conservatorim | | NSW | |
Cloud9 Women's Choir | Balwyn North | Vic | www.cloud9womenschoir.com |
Coal Valley Male Chorus | Morwell | Vic | |
Coastal a Cappella | Narara | NSW | www.coastalacappella.com |
Coastal Charisma | Southport | Qld | www.coastalcharisma.com |
Coffs City Choir | Coffs Harbour | NSW | |
Collegiate Of Specialist Music Educators (Inc.) | Sydney | NSW | www.csme.org.au/cso-celebration-choirs.html |
Company of Voices | Forster Village | NSW | www.leighvaughan.com.au/voices.php |
Concordis Chamber Choir | Melbourne | Vic | www.concordis.org.au/ |
Conservatorium High School | Royal Exchange | NSW | |
Consort Cantare | Perth | WA | |
Cool Choir Deepwater | Northern Tablelands | NSW | |
Coolamon Singers | Burleigh Heads | Qld | |
CORO AUSTRAL | NORMANHURST | NSW | coroaustral.org |
Coro Furlan | Thornbury | Vic | |
Coro Innominata | Chippendale | NSW | www.innominata.org |
Counterpoint Chamber Choir | Hunter Valley | NSW | www.counterpoint.org.au |
Counterpoint Vocal Ensemble | Bridgeman Downs (temporary) | Qld | counterpointvocal.com.au/ |
Cowandilla Festival of Music Choir | | SA | |
Cranbourne Chorale | Cranbourne | Vic | www.cranbournechorale.com.au |
Cudgegong Choir | Mudgee | NSW | |
Cygnet Singers | Huonville | Tas | www.cygnetsingers.com/ |
Da Vinci Singers | Engadine | NSW | rohaustralia.com |
Darwin Chorale | Darwin | NT | www.darwinchorale.org.au |
Deep River Choir and Drum Ensemble | Moruya | NSW | |
Denmark Baroque | Denmark | WA | |
Dhungala Children's Choir | Melbourne | Vic | |
Divine Divas of Sunbury | SUNBURY | Vic | |
Djinama Yilaga | Eurobodalla | NSW | |
DynamiX Vocal Company | Sunbury | Vic | |
East City Sound | Boronia | Vic | www.eastcitysound.org.au |
East Street singers | Warwick | Qld | |
Echoes of Ukraine | Perth | WA | |
Edelweiss Casey Choir | Southeastern Melbourne | Vic | |
Ein Cioel | Geelong | Vic | ( none yet) |
Eltham College | | Vic | |
Elwood Community Choir Inc | Melbourne | Vic | |
Emanuel School Randwick | Randwick | NSW | |
Emmanuel College Vic | | Vic | |
Endeavour Harmony Chorus | Caringbah | NSW | www.endeavourharmony.org.au |
Ensemble Gombert | Parkville | Vic | |
Esk Community Choir | Esk | Qld | eskchoir.webs.com/ |
Essendon Choral Society | Essendon | Vic | www.vicnet.net.au/~esschor |
Euphonics | Canberra | ACT | www.euphonics.com.au/ |
Euphony Australia | Melbounre South East | Vic | |
euRocApella Inc (formerly Bay Bridge Community Choir) | Batemans Bay | NSW | |
Evandale Village Singers | Evandale | Tas | |
Excelsis | Mount Waverley | Vic | www.excelsis.org.au |
Exeter Sings Choir Inc | Southern Highlands NSW | NSW | |
Faye Dumont Singers | Richmond | Vic | fdsingers.com/ |
Festival of Voices | Hobart | Tas | |
Festival Statesmen | Klemzig | SA | www.festivalstatesmen.com.au |
Fiestaville Choir | Kogarah | NSW | www.fiestavillechoir.org |
Fiona Lamb Choir | Belrose | NSW | |
Fiori Musicali Chamber Choir | Armidale | NSW | |
Firbank Grammar School | | Vic | |
Fleurieu Singers | McLaren Vale | SA | fleurieusingers.com |
Frankston Ladies Choir | Frankston | Vic | www.frankstonladieschoir.org |
Fraser Coast Chorus | Hervey Bay | Qld | |
Freedom Singers Brisbane | Brisbane | Qld | https://brisbanejazzclub.com.au/programs/freedom-singers/ |
Fusion | Brisbane | Qld | fusionvocalensemble.org/ |
Gallery Singers | Bribie Island | Qld | |
Gaumarjos | Melbourne | Vic | |
Geelong Welsh Ladies Choir | Highton | Vic | geelongwelshlc.com.au |
Geelong Youth Choir | Highton | Vic | www.GeelongYouthChoir.com |
Georges River Voices | Oatley | NSW | |
Glee Plus | Melbourne | Vic | www.gleeclubsinging.com |
Glen Eira City Choir | Brighton VIC | Vic | www.gleneiracitychoir.org.au |
Glorious Melody Ministries | Sydney & Greater Sydney NSW | NSW | gloriousmelody.com |
Gold Coast City Choir | Ashmore | Qld | goldcoastcitychoir.com |
Good Life Chorus | West Ryde | NSW | goodlifechorus.org |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School | | Vic | |
Good Vibes | Yass NSW (regional NSW, 50 min drive North of Canberra | NSW | |
Gospella | Invermay | Tas | |
Graduate Singers | Unley | SA | www.graduatesingers.com.au |
Grammarian Singers | Melbourne | Vic | https://grammariansingers.org.au/ |
Granite Belt Choir | Stanthorpe | Qld | |
Gundagai Community Choir | Gundagai | NSW | |
Hal Leonard Australia | | Vic | |
Harambee A Cappella | Collingwood | Vic | |
Harmonix Vocal Company | Sunbury | Vic | www.harmonixvc.com.au |
Harmony in Paradise Chorus | Broadbeach Waters QLD 4218 | Qld | www.harmonyinparadise.com |
Harmony Scholars | Bairnsdale and district | Vic | |
Harmony Singers | Mornington Peninsula | Vic | bjpitts777@gmail.com |
Hastings Choristers | Port Macquarie | NSW | hastingschoristers.org.au |
Hawkesbury Song Company | Richmond | NSW | |
Headliners Chorus | Ballina | NSW | headlinerschorus.info/ |
Heaven on Earth Gospel | Port Melbourne | Vic | www.msgchoir.com.au |
Heidelberg Choral Society | East Ivanhoe | Vic | www.hcs.asn.au |
Hellyer Community Choir | North West Coast | Tas | n/a |
High Spirits Harmony | St Peters, Adelaide | SA | www.highspiritsharmony.com |
High Street Bells Choir | Northcote | Vic | |
Hilltops Choir | Young | NSW | |
Hobart Harmony Chorus | West Hobart | Tas | hobartharmony.com.au |
Hobart Orpheus Choir | Hobart | Tas | www.hobartorpheuschoir.org/ |
Honeybees Choir | Potts Point | NSW | www.honeybeeschoir.org |
Hot Ginger Chorus | Cotton Tree | Qld | |
Hunter Singers | Newcastle | NSW | www.huntersingers.com |
Hunter Women Of Note Chorus | Newcastle and surrounding areas | NSW | hunterwomenofnotechorus.com |
I Progetti Chamber Choir | Lyons | ACT | |
Igitur Nos Chamber Choir | Manuka | ACT | |
Ignite Choir | Sherwood | Qld | ignitechoir.com.au |
Illawarra Choral Society | Keiraville | NSW | www.illawarrachoralsociety.com/ |
Illawarra Union Singers | Illawarra | NSW | |
Illumina | North Adelaide | SA | illumina.org.au |
Immanuel College Choirs | Novar Gardens | SA | www.immanuel.sa.edu.au |
In Good Company | Carrington Street, Adelaide | SA | |
In Unitate | Kensington Park | SA | |
Indian Blue Chorus | Ocean Reef | WA | www.indianbluechorus.info |
Insync Entertainment | Sunbury | Vic | www.insyncentertainment.com.au |
Ipswich Orpheus Chorale | East Ipswich | Qld | www.ipswichorpheuschorale.org.au/ |
Ivanhoe Grammar School | | Vic | |
Jacaranda Jam Community Choir | Springfield | Qld | |
JEM Choirs | Elwood | Vic | |
JESSA CHORUS | Greater Hobart | Tas | https://jessachorus.com.au |
John XXIII College | | WA | |
Joondalup Encore Theatre Society | Padbury | WA | |
Joubert Singers | Hunters Hill | NSW | www.joubertsingers.org.au |
Jubilate Singers | Dulwich Hill | NSW | jubilate.org.au |
Just Sing Something | | Vic | |
KaDenCe (Kapunda & Districts Choir) | . | SA | |
Kalamunda Sing | Kalamunda | WA | |
Kalliope On The Shore | Tweed Shire | NSW | |
Kantabile | Taree | NSW | |
KATANDRA women's a cappella choir | Berry | NSW | |
Keppel Bay Community Choir | Emu Park | Qld | choir.org.au |
Kew Philharmonic Society | Kew | Vic | www.kewphilchoir.com |
KMEIA Ltd, Mackay Chapter | Mt Pleasant | Qld | |
Ku-Ring-Gai Male Choir | Pymble | NSW | www.kuringgaimalechoir.org.au/ |
Kwaya Australia Inc | Tugin | Qld | |
Lady's Mantle | Chapman | ACT | |
Lane Cove Choristers | Longueville | NSW | |
Latin Choir Brisbane | Brisbane | Qld | elportuguese.wixsite.com/latinchoirqld-1 |
Latrobe Valley Choir | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/events/latrobevalleychoir |
Launceston Male Choir | Youngtown | Tas | launcestonchoir.wix.com/male-choir |
Lauriston Girls School | Armadale | Vic | |
Laverton Community Choir | Point Cook | Vic | |
LaVoce Lane Cove Community Choir | Lane Cove | NSW | https://www.lavocelanecove.com/ |
Leichhardt Espresso Chorus | Leichhardt | NSW | www.espressochorus.com.au |
Lindisfarne Riverside Arts Club | Lindisfarne | Tas | www.riversideartsclub.org.au |
Links Community Choir | South West Rocks NSW | NSW | |
Linnet Singers | Epping | NSW | |
Little Village Choir | Palmwoods | Qld | |
Lobethal Harmony | Lobethal | SA | www.lobethalharmonyclub.com.au |
Lockyer Valley Something To Sing About Choir | Lockyer Valley | Qld | |
Lora sky children's choir | Melbourne | Vic | |
Loreto Kirribilli Senior School Choir | | NSW | |
Loreto Mandeville Hall | Toorak | Vic | |
LOW REZ Melbourne Male Choir | St Kilda | Vic | www.lowrez.com.au |
Lumina Vocal Ensemble | North Plympton | SA | |
Luminescence Chamber Singers | Braddon | ACT | luminescence.org.au |
Ma non troppo | Melbourne | Vic | |
Macarthur Singers | Camden | NSW | www.macarthursingers.org.au |
Mackay Choral Society | North Mackay | Qld | mackaychoralsociety.org.au |
Macleay Choristers | TBC | NSW | |
Macquarie Singers | North Ryde | NSW | www.mus.org.au |
magic Mountain Singers | Mornington Peninsula | Vic | |
Maitland City Choir | Greenhill Maitland | NSW | maitlandcitychoir.org.au |
Majellan Singers | Ashburton | Vic | |
Male Choirs Association of Australia | Australia | NSW | https://www.malechoirsassociation.org.au |
Mama Melodies | Perth South of River | WA | www..instagram.com/mamamelodiesperth?igsh=NmlpeDJocThzMzQ4&utm_source=qr |
Mamas & Co Choir | Northern Sydney | NSW | |
Mandurah City Choral Society | Mandurah | WA | www.mandurahchoral.org.au |
Manly Warringah Choir | Collaroy Plateau Public School | NSW | manlywarringahchoir.org.au/ |
Manning Valley Choral Society & Valley Voices Youth Choir | Manning Valley | NSW | |
Mansfield State High School | | Qld | |
Maria Voices | TBC | Tas | |
Maroondah Singers | Mitcham | Vic | www.maroondahsingers.org.au |
Marryatville High School Concert Choir | Marryatville | SA | www.marryatvillehs.sa.edu.au/ |
Martenitsa Choir | Springwood | NSW | |
Maryborough Choral Society | Maryborough | Qld | |
Meeting Music - Germany | | NSW | |
Melbournaires Barbershop Chorus Inc | Eastern suburbs of Melbourne | Vic | www.melbournaires.com |
Melbourne Bach Choir | TBC | Vic | |
Melbourne Chorus Of Sweet Adelines Intl Inc | EAST KEW | Vic | www.melbournechorus.org.au |
Melbourne Contemporary Choir | Melbourne | Vic | |
Melbourne Gay and Lesbian Chorus | Prahran | Vic | www.mglc.org.au |
Melbourne Girls Grammar Choir - Morris Hall | South Yarra | Vic | |
Melbourne Grammar School | | Vic | |
Melbourne University Choral Society | Parkville, Melbourne | Vic | mucs.org.au |
Melbourne Welsh Male Choir | Ringwood | Vic | www.melbournewelshchoir.com.au |
Melbourne Youth Chorale | Beaconsfield | Vic | www.melbourneyouthchorale.com.au |
MEN ALOUD! Brisbane | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/events/mabrisbane |
MEN ALOUD! Redlands | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/events/maredlands |
Men In Suits | Melbourne | Vic | www.meninsuits.com.au |
Mens Shed Chorale | Lidcombe | NSW | mensshedchorale.com/ |
Mentone Grammar | Mentone | Vic | |
Methodist Ladies College WA | | WA | |
Methodist Ladies' College | Kew | Vic | |
Metropolitan Male Choir of South Australia | Highgate | SA | mmcsa.org |
Metung Singers | Metung | Vic | |
Millicent Choral Society | Millicent | SA | |
Mixtape Chorus | Ainslie | ACT | |
Monash Chorale | Glen Waverley | Vic | monashchorale.org.au/ |
Montague Choristers | Narooma | NSW | www.montaguechoristers.org/ |
Monte Sant' Angelo Mercy College Choral Program | | NSW | |
Moo Choir | Warrimoo, Blue Mountains | NSW | |
Moorambilla Voices | Baradine | NSW | |
Moorooka District Community Choir | Salisbury | Qld | moorooka-district-community-choir.org |
Mornington Peninsula Choral Festival | Mornington | Vic | |
Mornington Peninsula Welsh Ladies Choir | Frankston South | Vic | www.mpwlc.com |
Mosaic Community Choir | Cheltenham | Vic | sites.google.com/site/mosaiccc2012/home |
Mountain Opera | Wentworth Falls | NSW | |
Mt Lofty Singers | Stirling | SA | mtloftysingers.com.au |
Multitude Choir | Redcliffe | Qld | |
Murray Concert Choir | Albury | NSW | |
Murrumbidgee Magic Chorus | Wagga Wagga | NSW | www.murrumbidgeemagic.org.au/ |
Murwillumbah Philharmonic Choir | MURWILLUMBAH | NSW | |
Musica Antiqua Collegii | Chermside | Qld | www.macchoir.org |
Myall Ensemble | Rostrevor | SA | |
Naracoorte Singers | Naracoorte | SA | |
Narooma Community Choir | Narooma | NSW | |
National Boys Choir of Australia | Ringwood | Vic | www.nationalboyschoir.com.au |
National Youth Choir of Australia | Bentleigh East | Vic | www.nyca.org.au |
Naya Chorale | Perth | WA | |
NCE Choir (Cantabile Choir Sydney) | Sydney | NSW | www.natalieclaire.com.au/index.php/sydney-choir/ |
New England Conservatorium of Music | Armidale | NSW | |
New Voice Choir | Moorooka | Qld | |
New World Rhythm | Nambour | Qld | |
New Zealand Choral Federation NZCF | Auckland, New Zealand | | |
Newcastle People's Chorus | Newcastle region | NSW | www.newcastlepeopleschorus.org.au/ |
Newcastle University Choir | Callaghan | NSW | www.newcastleuniversitychoir.org |
Noosa Chorale | Noosaville | Qld | noosachorale.org.au |
North Coastal Childrens Community Choir | Mindarie | WA | |
Northern Beaches Chorus | Frenchs Forest | NSW | |
OLSH College Choirs | | Vic | |
One Achord Community Choir | City of Melville | WA | www.oneachordchoir.org.au |
One Equal Music | Brisbane | Qld | www.oneequalmusic.org |
Onkaparinga Harmony Chorus | Morphett Vale | SA | https://www.onkaparingaharmony.com/ |
ONLY WOMEN ALOUD! Brisbane | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/events/owabrisbane |
ONLY WOMEN ALOUD! Redlands | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/events/owaredlands |
Opera Lirica | | NSW | |
Oran Park Anglican College | | NSW | |
Orange Male Voice Choir | Orange | NSW | www.omvc.org.au |
Oriana Arts | Buderim | Qld | www.oriana.org.au |
Oriana Chorale | Forrest | ACT | Orianachorale.com |
Ostinato Wangaratta Inc | Wangaratta | Vic | |
Our Lady of Sion College | | Vic | |
Out of the Blue Singers | Mangerton | NSW | |
Parkes Community Choir | Central West | NSW | |
Peace Choir - Hampton Park | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/events/peacechoirproject-hamptonpark |
Peace Choir - Wyndham | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/peacechoir |
Peace,n,Choir | Mt Glorious | Qld | |
Penrith City Choir | Kingswood | NSW | www.penrithcitychoir.com.au |
Perth Harmony Chorus | Nollamara | WA | perthharmonychorus.com.au/ |
Perth Male Voice Choir | Inglewood | WA | www.perthmalevoicechoir.org |
Perth Pride Choir | Perth metro | WA | perthpride.harmonysite.com |
Perth Symphonic Chorus | Perth | WA | www.perthsymphonicchorus.com.au |
Perth Undergraduate Choral Society | Nedlands | WA | www.pucs.org.au |
Play It Forward (Aust) Ltd | Qld and Vic | Vic | |
Polyphonic Voices | | Vic | |
Polyphony | Petersham | NSW | www.polyphonychoir.com/ |
Port Harmony Inc. | Salamander Bay | NSW | |
Port Lincoln Singers | Port Lincoln | SA | |
Presbyterian Ladies' College (Vic) | Burwood | Vic | |
Pro Musica Singers | West End | Qld | www.promusicasingers.com |
Pymble Ladies College Choir | Pymble | NSW | |
Pyrmont Sings! | Central Sydney | NSW | |
QICA Inc | | Qld | |
Queensland Irish Choir | Nundah | Qld | www.qldirishchoir.org.au/ |
Queensland Musical Theatre & Arts | New Farm | Qld | www.queenslandmusicaltheatre.com |
Queensland Show Choir | Fortitude Valley | Qld | www.queenslandshowchoir.com.au |
Rachel Hore | Reid | ACT | |
Radio Community Chest | GORDON | NSW | |
Rainbow Voices is | Kyneton and other areas | Vic | |
Raised Voices | | NSW | |
Redeemer Lutheran College | Upper Mt Gravatt | Qld | |
Redland City Choir Inc. | Cleveland | Qld | https://redlandcitychoir.org/ |
Redland Rhapsody Chorus | Alexandra Hills | Qld | www.redlandrhapsody.org.au/ |
Reprise | Launceston | Tas | |
Resonance Singers | Glenroy | Vic | |
Rhythm Syndicate | Yarralumla | ACT | |
Rhythmos Choir | Bentley | WA | rhythmoschoir.com.au |
Rhythms of the Reef | Bundaberg | Qld | |
Right On Cue | Devonport | Tas | |
River City Voices | Parramatta | NSW | www.rivercityvoices.org.au |
River Voices | Echuca | Vic | |
Riverland Harmony Chorus | Caddens | NSW | riverlandharmonychorus.org |
Rockhampton Eisteddfod Assoc. | Frenchville | Qld | |
Rockhampton Musical Union Choir | Rockampton | Qld | www.rmuchoir.org.au |
Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir | Melbourne | Vic | www.rmp.org.au |
Royal School of Church Music Queensland | Hemmant | Qld | |
Royal South Street Society | BALLARAT | Vic | |
Ruyton Girls' School | | Vic | |
SA Country Choral Association | Millicent | SA | |
Sacred Heart College Vocal Ensemble | TBC | SA | |
Sarabande Early Music Ensemble | Denmark WA (Regional) | WA | |
SCEGGS Darlinghurst Se. School Choir | Darlinghurst | NSW | |
Scomodo Voce Singers | Ashgrove | Qld | scomodovocesingers.com |
Scotch College Melbourne | | Vic | |
SCUNA | Canberra City | ACT | |
SeaSide Singers | Port Stephens, Nelson Bay, Salamander Bay. | NSW | www.seasidesingers.com.au |
Serenata Singers | The Gap | Qld | www.serenatasingers.org.au/ |
Serendipity: the choir | Bundanoon | NSW | serendipitythechoir.com |
Shine Chorus | Canada Bay | NSW | |
Shiny Bum Singers | Monash | ACT | |
Shoalhaven Community Choir | Bomaderry | NSW | |
Shoalhaven Lydian Singers | Nowra | NSW | www.lydiansingers.org.au |
Silver Clefs Harmony Chorus | Shoalwater | WA | |
Simon Crossley-Meates | Walsh Bay Arts Precinct, Sydney | NSW | |
Sing Sing Sing | Brisbane | Qld | singsingsing.au |
Sing Your Heart Out | Southern Sydney | NSW | www.christina8arms.com/sing-your-heart-out |
Singcognito | Invermay | Tas | |
Singers of Southern Tasmania | Battery Point | Tas | www.sost.org.au |
SingGongGo | | NSW | |
Singleton Singers | Singleton | NSW | |
Singup Choirs | Kensington, Wollongong, Dural, North Sydney, Epping | NSW | |
Sisongke Community Choir Hobart | New Town | Tas | www.sisongke.org |
Sisters of Abundance Choir | McLaren Vale | SA | |
Six Degrees of Sound | Bayside Melbourne | Vic | |
Solidarity Choir/Ecopella | Erskineville | NSW | solidaritychoir.wordpress.com/ |
Song Sisters Choir | | NSW | |
Songshine | | Qld | |
Soul Factor Gospel Choir | Unley Park | SA | www.soulfactorgospelchoir.com |
Soul Song Choirs | West End, Geebung, Bulimba, Manunda, Brisbane, Cairns, Sydney, Adelaide, Hahndorf, Gawler | Qld | www.soulsongchoirs.com.au |
Soul Song Choirs Brisbane - Bulimba | West End, Geebung, Bulimba, Manunda, Brisbane, Cairns, Sydney, Adelaide, Hahndorf, Gawler | Qld | www.soulsongchoirs.com.au |
Soul Song Choirs Brisbane - Sunnybank | West End, Geebung, Bulimba, Manunda, Brisbane, Cairns, Sydney, Adelaide, Hahndorf, Gawler | Qld | www.soulsongchoirs.com.au |
Soul Song Choirs Cairns | West End, Geebung, Bulimba, Manunda, Brisbane, Cairns, Sydney, Adelaide, Hahndorf, Gawler | Qld | www.soulsongchoirs.com.au |
Soul Song Choirs Geebung | West End, Geebung, Bulimba, Manunda, Brisbane, Cairns, Sydney, Adelaide, Hahndorf, Gawler | Qld | www.soulsongchoirs.com.au |
Soul Song Choirs West End | West End, Geebung, Bulimba, Manunda, Brisbane, Cairns, Sydney, Adelaide, Hahndorf, Gawler | Qld | www.soulsongchoirs.com.au |
Sound Avenue Vocal Group | Stafford, Brisbane | Qld | www.inversionvg.com.au |
South Australian Public (Primary) Schools Music Society | Klemzig | SA | |
South Burnett Chorale | KINGAROY | Qld | |
South Burnett Musical Comedy Society | Kingaroy | Qld | |
South West Opera Company | Roelands | WA | |
Southern Cross Voices | Springwood | Qld | southerncrossvoices.wix.com/southerncrossvoices |
Southern Flinders Players | Port Pirie | SA | |
Southern Sky (was Clarence City Children's Choir) | Hobart and surrounds | Tas | |
Southern Sounds Chorus | | Vic | |
Southern Voices | Melbourne | Vic | |
Southland | Camden | NSW | |
Space to Sing | Warwick | WA | |
Spicy Choir | Northern/central Brisbane | Qld | spicychoir.com |
Spirit Allegro | | NSW | |
Spirit of Sydney Chorus | Thornleigh | NSW | www.soschorus.com.au/ |
St Catherine's School NSW2 | Waverley | NSW | |
St Catherine's School VIC | Toorak | Vic | |
St Hilda's School | Southport | Qld | |
St Kevin's College Toorak | | Vic | |
St Marys Anglican Girls School | | WA | |
St Patrick's College Shorncliffe | | Qld | |
St Peter's Girls Choir | Stonyfell | SA | |
St Peters Chorale | Indooroopilly | Qld | |
St Peters Church Choir | Indooroopilly | Qld | |
St Rita's College, Clayfield | | Qld | |
Stairwell to Heaven | Annandale | NSW | www.stairwellchoir.org.au |
Stradbroke Island Singers Society | Dunwich | Qld | |
Strange Weather Gospel Choir | O'Connor | ACT | www.strangeweather.org |
Stratford Singers | Central Gippsland | Vic | |
Stroud Crowd Choir | | NSW | |
Sunshine Coast Choral Society | Nth Buderim | Qld | www.suncoastchoral.org.au/ |
Sutherland Shire Children's Choir | Sutherland | NSW | www.cantabilemusic.com.au |
Sutherland Shire Choral Society Inc. | Miranda | NSW | www.sutherlandshirechoralsociety.com |
Suze Pratten | Richmond, Hawkesbury region | NSW | www.womansong.com.au |
Sweet Adelines Australia | Kelvin Grove | Qld | sweetadelines.org.au |
Sweet Monas Choir | Ballarat | Vic | |
Sweet Sassafras Open Community Choir | Tecoma | Vic | www.sweetsassafras.net.au |
Sweet Tonic Singers | Bradbury | NSW | |
Swinburne Chorale | Eastern Melbourne | Vic | www.swinburnechorale.com.au/ |
Sydney Beijing Art Troupe | | NSW | |
Sydney Chamber Choir | Sydney | NSW | sydneychamberchoir.org |
Sydney Gay & Lesbian Choir | Darlinghurst | NSW | www.sglc.org |
Sydney Jasmine Chamber Choir | TBC | NSW | |
Sydney Male Choir | SYDNEY and NSW | NSW | sydneymalechoir.com.au |
Sydney Philharmonia Choirs | Walsh Bay Arts Precinct, Sydney | NSW | www.sydneyphilharmonia.com.au |
Sydney Sakura Choir | Neutral Bay | NSW | |
Sydney Trade Union Choir / Australian Union and Solidarity Choir | Marrickville, Surry Hills | NSW | sydneytradeunionchoir.wordpress.com |
Sydney University Graduate Choir | Forest Lodge | NSW | www.sydneyuniversitygraduatechoir.com.au |
Sydney Voices | | NSW | |
Sydney Welsh Choir | West Ryde | NSW | www.sydneywelshchoir.com/ |
Sydney West Singers | Wakeley | NSW | www.sydneywestsingers.com.au |
SydneySiders Express | Ryde | NSW | www.sydneysiders.org |
Tamborine Mountain Orchestral and Choral Society | Mt Tambourine | Qld | |
Tamworth Choral Society | Tamworth | NSW | www.tamworthchoralsociety.org.au/ |
Tasmanian Song Company | Hobart | Tas | www.tasmaniansongcompany.org.au |
TCS Choir | Toowoomba | Qld | |
TCS Contemporary Chorale | Toowoomba | Qld | |
TCS Youth Choir | Toowoomba | Qld | |
Terribly Loud Choir | Willunga | SA | |
The Accet Choir | Richmond | Vic | www.choralconductors.org.au/ |
The Armidale School | | NSW | |
The Australian Children's Choir | 559-561 Whitehorse Rd | Vic | www.theacc.com.au |
The Australian Voices | Brisbane City | Qld | www.theaustralianvoices.com.au |
The Barton Singers | Mitcham | SA | |
The Bay Island Singers Incorporated | Southern Moreton bay Islands | Qld | |
The Beechworth Singers | | Vic | |
The Berrima Singers | | NSW | |
The Boite | | Vic | |
The Bribie Gleemen | Bongaree | Qld | |
The Bright Singers | | Vic | |
The Caring Choir | Unley | SA | |
The Casey Choir | Berwick | Vic | www.caseychoir.com.au |
The Cathedral Singers | GORDON | NSW | www.cathedralsingers.org.au |
The Choral Collective | East Perth | WA | voyces.com/ |
The Common People | | Vic | |
The Corinthian Singers of Adelaide | Rundle Mall | SA | |
The Cove Singers | | SA | |
The Cyrenes | Lyneham | ACT | www.cyrenes.org.au |
The Decibelles Female Pop Choir | St Kilda East | Vic | www.thedecibelles.org |
The Desert Voices | Port Augusta | SA | |
The District Singers | SUTHERLAND SHIRE | NSW | |
The Don Chorale | | Tas | |
The Embers Community Choir | Brisbane | Qld | |
The Filipino Choir of St Francis | Melbourne | Vic | www.stfrancismelbourne.com/filipino-choir/ |
The Friends' School | North Hobart | Tas | www.friends.tas.edu.au |
The Geelong Chorale | Highton | Vic | |
The Geelong College | Newtown | Vic | |
The Gisborne Singers | Gisborne | Vic | www.gisbornesingers.org.au |
The Glee Bees | Glebe | NSW | |
The Gospel Folk | Weston | ACT | gospelfolk.com.au |
The Greatest Show Choir | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/events/thegreatestshowchoir |
The Heart and Soul Singers | GREENWAY | ACT | www.heartandsoulsingers.com.au |
The Heathens Choir | Blackheath | NSW | heathenschoir.org/ |
The Highland Singers | Southern Highlands | NSW | www.thehighlandsingers.com |
The Hills Choir | Mundaring | WA | hillschoir.org.au |
The Hills Choral Society | Belair | SA | www.hillschoralsociety.org/ |
The Inverell Singers | | NSW | |
The Italian Folk Ensemble | Eastern Adelaide | SA | |
The Jubilee Singers | Ashgrove | Qld | www.jubileesingers.com.au/ |
The Keytones Choir | North Fitzroy | Vic | www.keytoneschoir.com |
The Little Para Singers | Modbury | SA | www.tlps.org.au/ |
The Llewellyn Choir | Canberra | ACT | |
The Maleny Singers | Maleny | Qld | |
The Mapleton Choir | Mapleton | Qld | |
The Melbourne Octet | Melbourne metro | Vic | melbourneoctet.com |
The Melbourne Singers | North Box Hill | Vic | www.themelbournesingers.org.au |
The Mirrabooka Singers | Epping | NSW | |
The Monday Nightingales | Paddington | NSW | mondaynightingales.org.au |
The Monteverdi Singers | Kent Town Business Centre | SA | |
The Newland Singers | East Gippsland | Vic | |
The OZY Youth Choir Honouring Defence Service | Wagga / Mittagong / Goulburn / Southern Highlands | NSW | |
The Queensland Choir | West End | Qld | www.qldchoir.com |
The Quire St. Nicolas | Adelaide | SA | |
The Resonants | Deakin | ACT | www.resonants.org/ |
The River Choir | All areas welcome | NSW | |
The Rock'n Soul Choir | North Western Sydney | NSW | www.rocknsoulchoir.com.au |
The Southern Singers | Morphett Vale | SA | www.communitywebs.org/occs/ |
The Spooky Men's Chorale | National, international | NSW | www.spookymen.com |
The Star Chorale | Kew | Vic | |
The Taste of India | Bundoora | Vic | |
The Taverner Consort of Voices | Chaswood | NSW | |
The Toodyay Community Choir | Toodyay | WA | |
The Tudor Choristers | Auburn | Vic | www.tudorchoristers.org.au |
The Underground Opera Company | Camira | Qld | |
The Upper Hunter Youth Choir | TBC | NSW | |
The Valley Crooners | Traralgon | Vic | |
The Whyalla Singers | Whyalla Norrie | SA | |
The Woolltones Choir | Woollahra | NSW | thewoolltones.wixsite.com/woolltones |
The Yarra Voices | North Fitzroy | Vic | www.theyarravoices.com |
THECHO!R MSHIP CANCELLED | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/thechoir |
Thomas Cantley Singers | Mansfield | Qld | www.thomascantleysingers.org.au |
ThylaSing | Hobart | Tas | www.thylasing.com.au |
Tintern Grammar | Ringwood East | Vic | |
Toodyay Music Club | | WA | |
Toorak College Choirs | Mt. Eliza | Vic | |
Toowoomba Choral Society | Toowoomba | Qld | |
Toowoombells Handbell Choir | | Qld | |
Townsville Choral Society | Townsville | Qld | www.tcs.org.au |
Townsville Grammar School | | Qld | |
Treble Tones | Burwood | Vic | |
Trentham Singing Circle | Central Highlands | Vic | |
Trinity Grammar School | Summer Hill | NSW | |
Tropical Queensland Oratorio Society | Cairns | Qld | |
Tuggerah Lakes Choral Society | The Entrance | NSW | www.tuggerahlakeschoralsociety.org |
Tuxedo Junction | Perth | WA | tuxedojunction.org.au |
TYO Chorales - Tasmanian Youth Orchestras | North Hobart | Tas | www.tyo.org.au |
Umbrella A Cappella | Parkside | SA | www.umbrellaacappella.com.au/ |
Under Construction | Islington | NSW | |
UNISONg Community Women's Choir | Wagga Wagga | NSW | www.waggawomenschoir.com.au |
University of Western Australia (EBSCO) | Crawley | WA | |
University of Western Australia Choral Society | Nedlands | WA | www.uwacs.com.au |
Up Beat | | Qld | www.upbeatarts.org.au |
Valla Voices | Valla | NSW | www.pauljarman.com |
Valley Tone Pipes/Pipettes | Hunter Valley | NSW | |
Verve Harmony | Central Coast | NSW | Verveharmony.com |
Victoria Chorale | Hawthorn | Vic | www.victoriachorale.org.au |
Victoria Welsh Choir | Ballarat, Bendigo, Blackburn South | Vic | victoriawelshchoir.com.au |
Victorian Trade Union Choir | North Melbourne | Vic | www.vtuc.org.au |
Vocal Dimension | Wangaratta | Vic | wangarattachoristers.org.au |
Vocal Edge Blue Mountains | Blackheath | NSW | |
Vocal Fusion Youth Choir Inc | Bunbury | WA | www.vocalfusionyouthchoir.com |
Vocal Mix | Perth | WA | www.vocalmix.org/ |
Vocal Vibes Chorus | Ringwood | Vic | www.vocalvibes.org.au |
Vocal Waves | Gold Coast | Qld | vocalwaveschoir.org |
Vocalective | Darwin | NT | https://www.facebook.com/vocalective.singers |
Vocalescence Chorus | | Qld | https://www.vocalescence.com/dbpage.php?pg=home |
Vocalize Choir | Warradale | SA | www.vocalize.com.au |
Vocally Wild | | Vic | |
Voice Weavers A Cappella Choir | Tweed Heads | NSW | www.voiceweavers.com.au/ |
Voices from the Vacant Lot | Waterloo | NSW | www.voicesfromthevacantlot.net |
Voices from the Waters | Berowra Heights | NSW | |
Voices of Birralee | Spring Hill, Clayfield or Bardon | Qld | www.birralee.org |
Voices of Casey | Berwick | Vic | |
Voices of Footscray Hospital | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/voicesoffootscrayhospital |
Voices of Frankston | | Vic | |
Voices of Moonee Valley | Qld and Vic | Vic | https://www.playitforward.org.au/voicesofmooneevalley |
VoKallista | Outer South east melbourne | Vic | |
VOX | South Ballarat | Vic | |
Vox Harmony | Launceston | Tas | www.voxharmony.org.au |
VOX PENINSULA INC. | Mornington Peninsula | Vic | |
WA Show Choir | Western Suburbs Perth | WA | washowchoir.com |
Wanneroo Civic Choir | | WA | |
Waratah Girls Choir | Newcastle | NSW | www.waratahgirlschoir.com.au |
Waratah Male Voice Choir | Charlestown | NSW | |
Warrnambool Mozart Choral Group | Warrnambool | Vic | |
Wayfarers Australia | Weston | ACT | wayfarersaustralia.org |
We Sing Choir | | SA | www.wewomensing.com |
West Australian Young Voices | | WA | |
West Gippsland Chorale | Warragul | Vic | |
Westminster School | Marion | SA | |
Willin Wimmin | Williamstown | Vic | www.willinwimmin.org.au |
Willoughby Singers | Cremorne | NSW | |
Willoughby Symphony Choir | Roseville | NSW | www.willoughbychoir.com.au |
With One Voice Break O'Day Choir | Falmouth | Tas | |
Wollemi Singers | Mid-Western Regional Council | NSW | |
Wollongong Harmony Chorus | Albion Park | NSW | |
Wollongong Welsh Choir | Wollongong | NSW | |
Women In Harmony | | Qld | |
Women of Note | Bendigo | Vic | www.wonbendigo.org/ |
Women With Latitude | Clarence Park | SA | womenwithlatitude.asn.au |
Woodend Warblers | | Vic | |
Woodville Concert Choir | Croydon | SA | |
Yallourn Madrigal Singers | Traralgon | Vic | www.yallournmadrigals.net |
Yarra Gospel Community Choir | Melbourne | Vic | https://www.yarragospel.org |
Yarra Valley Singers | Lilydale | Vic | sites.google.com/site/yarravalleysinger/ |
Yarrawonga Mulwala Ecumenical Choir | Yarrawonga | Vic | |
YES I CAN! Gippsland Choir | Qld and Vic | Vic | www.playitforward.org.au/yesicangippslandchoir |
Young Adelaide Voices | TBC | SA | https://youngadelaidevoices.asn.au/ |
Young Voices of Hobart | Greater Hobart | Tas | www.youngvoiceshobart.com.au |
Young Voices of Melbourne | Caulfield | Vic | |
Yukana Singers | Outer eastern suburbs Melbourne | Vic | |